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Model Portfolios
Thematic Disruption Portfolio

Model Portfolios
Thematic Disruption Portfolio


The VanEck Thematic Disruption Portfolio provides investors with access to the most compelling and forward-looking opportunities across industries, themes and individual securities. The strategy targets high growth potential assets and implements these ideas within the strategy’s embedded risk-management framework.



  • Access to the most compelling and forward-looking themes across markets that target high growth potential assets

  • Diversified exposure to innovation across assets, sectors & geographies via an active approach that adapts to the evolving risk environment

  • A differentiated, risk-aware portfolio that allocates to the most impactful long-term thematic trends





Country Weightings (%) as at 02/28/2025

  • Country

    % of Net Assets
  • United States

  • Japan

  • China

  • Taiwan Region

  • India

  • [Unassigned]

  • Netherlands

  • Ireland

  • South Korea

  • Other/Cash


Sector Weightings (%) as at 02/28/2025

  • Sector

    % of Net Assets
  • Information Technology

  • Consumer Discretionary

  • Communication Services

  • Digital Assets

  • Industrials

  • Utilities

  • [Unassigned]

  • Energy

  • Financials

  • Other/Cash




Important Definitions & Disclosures

Important Definitions & Disclosures

The model is not a mutual fund or other type of security and will not be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and no units or shares of the model will be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, nor will they be registered with any state securities regulator. Accordingly, the model is not subject to compliance with the requirements of such acts.

An investment in the Strategy may be subject to risks which include, but are not limited to, risks related to small- and medium-capitalization companies, emerging market issuers, foreign securities, foreign currency, equity securities, derivatives, blockchain, social media analytics, non-diversification, sector, market, economic, political, regulatory, world event, index tracking, cash transactions, operational, authorized participant concentration, no guarantee of active trading market, trading issues, passive management, fund shares trading, premium/discount risk and liquidity of fund shares, issuer-specific changes, and index-related concentration risks, all of which may adversely affect the Strategy. Emerging market issuers and foreign securities may be subject to securities markets, political and economic, investment and repatriation restrictions, different rules and regulations, less publicly available financial information, foreign currency and exchange rates, operational and settlement, and corporate and securities laws risks. Small- and medium-capitalization companies may be subject to elevated risks. Derivatives may involve certain costs and risks such as liquidity, interest rate, and the risk that a position could not be closed when most advantageous.

All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. As with any investment strategy, there is no guarantee that investment objectives will be met and investors may lose money. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Model Portfolio information is designed to be used by financial advisors solely as an educational resource, along with other potential resources advisors may consider, in providing services to their end clients. VanEck’s Model Portfolios and related content are for information only and are not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, accounting, investment or financial planning advice by VanEck, nor should any VanEck Model Portfolio information be considered or relied upon as investment advice or as a recommendation from VanEck, including regarding the use or suitability of any VanEck Model Portfolio, any particular security or any particular strategy. In providing VanEck Model Portfolio information, VanEck is not acting and has not agreed to act in an investment advisory, fiduciary or quasi-fiduciary capacity to any advisor or end client, and has no responsibility in connection therewith, and is not providing individualized investment advice to any advisor or end client, including based on or tailored to the circumstance of any advisor or end client. The Model Portfolio information is provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. VanEck is not responsible for determining the securities to be purchased, held and/or sold for any advisor or end client accounts, nor is VanEck responsible for determining the suitability or appropriateness of a Model Portfolio or any securities included therein for any third party, including end clients. Advisors are solely responsible for making investment recommendations and/or decisions with respect to an end client, and should consider the end client’s individual financial circumstances, investment time frame, risk tolerance level and investment goals in determining the appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy, without input from VanEck. VanEck does not have investment discretion and does not place trade orders for any end client accounts. Information and other marketing materials provided to you by VanEck concerning a Model Portfolio—including allocations, performance and other characteristics—may not be indicative of an end client’s actual experience from investing in one or more of the funds included in a Model Portfolio. Using an asset allocation strategy does not ensure a profit or protect against loss, and diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses. There is no assurance that investing in accordance with a Model Portfolio's allocations will provide positive performance over any period. Any content or information included in or related to a VanEck Model Portfolio, including descriptions, allocations, data, fund details and disclosures are subject to change and may not be altered by an advisor or other third party in any way.

Van Eck Associates Corporation (“VanEck”) is an independent investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. VanEck, which commenced operations 1985 (predecessor company in 1955), provides investment advisory services to registered investment companies, other pooled investment vehicles, separate institutional clients, and private investment accounts.

GIPS Disclosures

VanEck claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS standards. VanEck has been independently verified for the periods January 1, 2006 through September 30, 2024. A firm that claims compliance with the GIPS standards must establish policies and procedures for complying with all the applicable requirements of the GIPS standards. Verification provides assurance on whether the firm's policies and procedures related to composite and pooled fund maintenance, as well as the calculation, presentation, and distribution of performance, have been designed in compliance with the GIPS standards and have been implemented on a firm-wide basis. The Thematic Disruption Strategy (Proprietary) composite has had a performance examination for the periods of December 24, 2021 through September 30, 2024. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. The composite's inception date is December 24, 2021 and the creation date is December 24, 2021. GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

The Thematic Disruption Strategy (Proprietary) composite is focused on disruptive, innovative and forward thinking themes across a wide array of industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, energy and retail. This strategy is adaptive and take advantage of economic opportunities as a result of novel and transformative discoveries. The portfolio construction process will simultaneously allow for overweighting the most financially lucrative innovations and managing risk vis a vis the correlations and volatilities of the ETFs in the investible universe. Effective November 29, 2024 the benchmark was changed from the Russell 1000 Growth Total Return Index to the MSCI ACWI IMI Growth

Net Total Return USD Index as a performance benchmark. 100% of composite assets are proprietary.

The MSCI AC World Index IMI Growth ("M1WD0008") (the “Index”) is designed to capture large, mid, and small-cap securities exhibiting overall growth style characteristics across both Developed Markets (DM) and Emerging Markets (EM) countries. The growth investment style characteristics for index construction are defined using five variables: long-term forward earnings per share (EPS) growth rate, short-term forward EPS growth rate, current internal growth rate, long-term historical EPS growth trend, and long-term historical sales per share growth trend.

The composite returns represent the total returns of all fully discretionary, fee paying portfolios within the Thematic Disruption Strategy (Proprietary) investment mandate. There is no minimum asset requirement for this composite. The composite returns are asset-weighted based upon beginning period market values. The returns of the individual portfolios within the composite are time-weighted, based on trade date accounting. VanEck’s policy is to use accrual based accounting in recognizing interest income and interest expense, dividend income and short dividend expense, and are reported on ex-dividend date. Interest, dividends, and capital gains accrued on foreign securities are reported net of non-reclaimable foreign withholding taxes. Portfolio valuations are based on market values and expressed in US Dollars.

Composite returns are shown gross and net of management fees while including the reinvestment of all income. Brokerage and transaction expenses such as exchange, duty, and commission fees are deducted from trade amounts to determine net transaction costs/proceeds which are reflected in both gross and net returns. Net of fee performance is calculated by deducting actual management fees and in some instances, performance based fees charged to each account. The composite returns represent past performance and are not reliable indicators of future results which may vary. Additional information regarding policies for valuing investments, calculating performance and preparing GIPS reports are available upon request.

Commencing January 1, 2011, portfolios are valued daily and adjusted for all external cash flows on the day that they occur. Prior to January 1, 2011, VanEck's separately managed accounts were valued on a monthly basis, which adjusted for cash flows on a day-weighted basis. If cash flows exceed 5% of the beginning market value, the portfolios are revalued on the date of the cash flow and the resulting sub-periods are geometrically linked (or compounded) to produce a return for the full month. All other VanEck accounts were valued on a daily basis. During periods in which the cash flow is significant enough to impact the implementation of the investment strategy, VanEck’s policy is to remove the

impacted account from the composite for that period. VanEck has set the level of significance at 25% or more of the portfolio’s total assets. If a portfolio falls below the minimum account size at the beginning of a full month, the portfolio will be removed from the composite and not included again until it meets the minimum criteria. VanEck excludes terminated portfolios after the last full performance measurement period in which the portfolios are under management. VanEck will continue to include the terminated portfolios in its composite for all periods prior to termination.

VanEck's Thematic Disruption portfolios are generally charged an asset-based fee. Management fees and other operating/administrative expenses incurred can vary but generally range from 0.05% up to 0.15% of AUM. Actual fees are used

in the construction of composite net of fee performance. A complete list of composite and limited distribution pooled fund descriptions and list of broad distribution pooled funds are available upon request.

Total Firm AUM include all discretionary and non-discretionary assets under management of VanEck, including all fee-paying accounts and accounts managed outside the Firm (e.g. by sub-advisers) where VanEck has allocation and selection authority. Firm proprietary accounts are included in the definition of firm assets. Composite internal dispersion, gross of fees, is calculated as the asset-weighted standard deviation of portfolio results. The three-year annualized standard deviation, gross of fees, measures the variability of the composite and the benchmark returns over the preceding 36 month period.

The significant cash flow policy has been suspended for this composite since its inception.