Model Portfolios
Portfolio Manager and Head of Multi-Asset Solutions David Schassler connects historical and fundamental perspectives with a quantitative discipline to provide a straightforward, objective take on the markets and portfolio positioning across asset classes.
"Trump Trade 2.0" fueled U.S. equity and digital asset rallies, while real assets faltered under a strong dollar, with global markets reacting unevenly to pro-growth policies.
Traditional investment strategies often overlook gold, a proven asset that excels in uncertain times; even a small allocation can offer vital protection and enhance your portfolio amid inflation.
Complementing our active and passive funds, VanEck has developed ETF and SMA Model Portfolios available on many of the industry's leading platforms.
Intelligently-designed exposure across asset classes for diversified portfolios
Intelligently-designed exposure across asset classes for diversified portfolios
Insights from the firm’s leading thinkers on today’s most complex investment topics.
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