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The Top 10 Best No-Jargon Crypto Blogs and Podcasts

May 27, 2021

Read Time 4 MIN


We at VanEck have created a “No Jargon” cryptocurrency blog series where we break down bitcoin and the opportunities and risks of crypto into non-technical terms. We also regularly produce a crypto podcast series, “Trends with Benefits,” hosted by Ed Lopez, Head of ETF Product, in which industry professionals share their views on navigating the evolving digital asset ecosystem. Following is a compilation of our favorite crypto resources.

  1. No Jargon Bitcoin #2: What is Bitcoin? by Jan van Eck
    Jan provides a quick, two page blog that assesses the risks and opportunities associated with bitcoin. Important aspects of bitcoin are highlighted, including defining bitcoin as software, who controls the software, software development and upgrade, supply limitations, developers and advancements going forward.
  2. The Latest on Bitcoin – Without the Jargon, by Jan van Eck
    This is our most popular blog. After a couple of relatively quiet years, bitcoin began a rally in late 2020, soaring to new all-time highs. Jan explores the drivers behind this rally, including bitcoin’s lending and interest accrual capabilities and the progress of secure technology infrastructure needed to build smart contracts.
  3. Trends with Benefits Podcast #44: [Crypto Series 1] - What is Bitcoin with Pierre Rochard
    Pierre, bitcoin strategist at Kraken, offers a 30 minute rundown of bitcoin, important factors for considering the digital currency in a portfolio, the intricacy of bitcoin mining and its authenticity and value.
  4. The Investment Case for Bitcoin, by Kyle DaCruz, Director of Digital Assets Product
    VanEck examines bitcoin’s role within an investment portfolio, including its features as a store of value—or “digital gold.” Bitcoin often demonstrates low correlation to other more traditional assets while possibly enhancing the risk and return reward in a portfolio. Additionally, its limited supply and overall adoption by investors has added to its value.
  5. Bitcoin Is in a Supply Shortage
    The limited supply of bitcoin, inherent in its design, adds to the asset’s hedging ability. This limited supply could provide a hedge against inflation as the asset would not face the negative inflationary consequences and debasement resulting from further money supply creation. The blog post also addresses long-term holders, reasons behind the limited supply, and how the supply squeeze lends to bitcoin’s value.
  6. Gold and Bitcoin: So Happy Together, by Portfolio Manager Joe Foster
    As bitcoin becomes more widely accepted, the question arises as to whether bitcoin or gold might better preserve value and act as a hedge against risk and currency debasement. While there are distinct differences between the two, Joe identifies how the current landscape supports the idea of bitcoin and gold working together—rather than against each other—in a portfolio.
  7. Trends with Benefits Podcast #47: [Crypto Series 2] - Bitcoin’s Growing Popularity with Institutions, featuring Dan Tapiero, Manager Partner and CEO of 10T Holdings and Co-founder of Gold Bullion International
    To shed light on why investment teams are considering bitcoin, we brought in someone who has actually convinced an institution to purchase bitcoin, as Jan felt his insight was “best on the topic.” Dan shares his views on bitcoin’s function within the digital asset ecosystem, why investment teams have become more comfortable with including bitcoin in their portfolios, its effect on the market and the outlook for government regulation.
  8. Bitcoin Mining and ESG Presentation
    The environmental impact of mining bitcoin has become a growing area of concern for those considering digital assets. This presentation was used in a webinar we hosted with Gabor and Jason Les, CEO of Riot Blockchain, where they addressed myths and questions surrounding the environmental effects associated with mining bitcoin. Interesting points from this presentation touch on bitcoin miners’ current use of renewable energy resources, energy consumption data and how it can be misleading, and the potential for bitcoin to act as a storage solution for excess renewable energy.
  9. Trends with Benefits Podcast #58: [Crypto Series 4] - Bad Actors in Bitcoin with Jake Chervinsky, General Counsel at Compound Labs Inc.
    The Colonial Pipeline Hack in May 2021 highlighted the use of bitcoin as the ransom demanded as well as the ransom recovered. The ability to trace bitcoin indicates this digital asset may not be as elusive as some believe it to be. Ed and Jake discuss these circumstances in detail, including speculation around whether or not coins used in criminal acts could be considered tainted, and whether or not the U.S. might enforce restrictions on crypto, similar to China.
  10. Q&A: The Bull and Bear Case for Ethereum, by Matthew Sigel, Head of Digital Assets Research
    Supplementing our Ethereum webinar, this Q&A looks to address some of the more notable topics concerning the digital asset. Matthew addresses regulation around Ethereum, provisions around public safety and the Ethereum paradigm, revenues, its energy implications, and more.

We strive to deliver timely insight on current market trends and will continue to add educational resources as circumstances around cryptocurrencies and digital assets develop.

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Please note that VanEck may offer investments products that invest in the asset class(es) or industries included herein.

This is not an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation to buy or sell any of the cryptocurrencies mentioned herein. The information herein represents the opinion of the author(s), but not necessarily those of VanEck, and these opinions may change at any time. Non-VanEck proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. Not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results or investment advice. Historical performance is not indicative of future results. Current data may differ from data quoted. Any graphs shown herein are for illustrative purposes only.

Cryptocurrency is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value, but it does not have legal tender status. Cryptocurrencies are sometimes exchanged for U.S. dollars or other currencies around the world, but they are not generally backed or supported by any government or central bank. Their value is completely derived by market forces of supply and demand, and they are more volatile than traditional currencies. The value of cryptocurrency may be derived from the continued willingness of market participants to exchange fiat currency for cryptocurrency, which may result in the potential for permanent and total loss of value of a particular cryptocurrency should the market for that cryptocurrency disappear. Cryptocurrencies are not covered by either FDIC or SIPC insurance. Legislative and regulatory changes or actions at the state, federal, or international level may adversely affect the use, transfer, exchange, and value of cryptocurrency.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with a number of risks, including volatile market price swings or flash crashes, market manipulation, and cybersecurity risks. In addition, cryptocurrency markets and exchanges are not regulated with the same controls or customer protections available in equity, option, futures, or foreign exchange investing. There is no assurance that a person who accepts a cryptocurrency as payment today will continue to do so in the future.

Investors should conduct extensive research into the legitimacy of each individual cryptocurrency, including its platform, before investing. The features, functions, characteristics, operation, use and other properties of the specific cryptocurrency may be complex, technical, or difficult to understand or evaluate. The cryptocurrency may be vulnerable to attacks on the security, integrity or operation, including attacks using computing power sufficient to overwhelm the normal operation of the cryptocurrency’s blockchain or other underlying technology. Some cryptocurrency transactions will be deemed to be made when recorded on a public ledger, which is not necessarily the date or time that a transaction may have been initiated.

  • Investors must have the financial ability, sophistication and willingness to bear the risks of an investment and a potential total loss of their entire investment in cryptocurrency.
  • An investment in cryptocurrency is not suitable or desirable for all investors.
  • Cryptocurrency has limited operating history or performance.
  • Fees and expenses associated with a cryptocurrency investment may be substantial.

There may be risks posed by the lack of regulation for cryptocurrencies and any future regulatory developments could affect the viability and expansion of the use of cryptocurrencies. Investors should conduct extensive research before investing in cryptocurrencies.

Information provided by Van Eck is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as financial, tax or legal advice. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell an interest in cryptocurrencies.

All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. As with any investment strategy, there is no guarantee that investment objectives will be met and investors may lose money. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Van Eck Associates Corporation


Please note that VanEck may offer investments products that invest in the asset class(es) or industries included herein.

This is not an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation to buy or sell any of the cryptocurrencies mentioned herein. The information herein represents the opinion of the author(s), but not necessarily those of VanEck, and these opinions may change at any time. Non-VanEck proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. Not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results or investment advice. Historical performance is not indicative of future results. Current data may differ from data quoted. Any graphs shown herein are for illustrative purposes only.

Cryptocurrency is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value, but it does not have legal tender status. Cryptocurrencies are sometimes exchanged for U.S. dollars or other currencies around the world, but they are not generally backed or supported by any government or central bank. Their value is completely derived by market forces of supply and demand, and they are more volatile than traditional currencies. The value of cryptocurrency may be derived from the continued willingness of market participants to exchange fiat currency for cryptocurrency, which may result in the potential for permanent and total loss of value of a particular cryptocurrency should the market for that cryptocurrency disappear. Cryptocurrencies are not covered by either FDIC or SIPC insurance. Legislative and regulatory changes or actions at the state, federal, or international level may adversely affect the use, transfer, exchange, and value of cryptocurrency.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with a number of risks, including volatile market price swings or flash crashes, market manipulation, and cybersecurity risks. In addition, cryptocurrency markets and exchanges are not regulated with the same controls or customer protections available in equity, option, futures, or foreign exchange investing. There is no assurance that a person who accepts a cryptocurrency as payment today will continue to do so in the future.

Investors should conduct extensive research into the legitimacy of each individual cryptocurrency, including its platform, before investing. The features, functions, characteristics, operation, use and other properties of the specific cryptocurrency may be complex, technical, or difficult to understand or evaluate. The cryptocurrency may be vulnerable to attacks on the security, integrity or operation, including attacks using computing power sufficient to overwhelm the normal operation of the cryptocurrency’s blockchain or other underlying technology. Some cryptocurrency transactions will be deemed to be made when recorded on a public ledger, which is not necessarily the date or time that a transaction may have been initiated.

  • Investors must have the financial ability, sophistication and willingness to bear the risks of an investment and a potential total loss of their entire investment in cryptocurrency.
  • An investment in cryptocurrency is not suitable or desirable for all investors.
  • Cryptocurrency has limited operating history or performance.
  • Fees and expenses associated with a cryptocurrency investment may be substantial.

There may be risks posed by the lack of regulation for cryptocurrencies and any future regulatory developments could affect the viability and expansion of the use of cryptocurrencies. Investors should conduct extensive research before investing in cryptocurrencies.

Information provided by Van Eck is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as financial, tax or legal advice. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell an interest in cryptocurrencies.

All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. As with any investment strategy, there is no guarantee that investment objectives will be met and investors may lose money. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Van Eck Associates Corporation