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Commodities: Is This the Start of a New Supercycle?

Commodities: Is This the Start of a New Supercycle?

Commodities: Is This the Start of a New Supercycle?

Commodities: Is This the Start of a New Supercycle?

With inflation turning out to be stickier than expected and rising demand from the energy transition, commodities producers seem well positioned for future growth.

Is this the start of a new Supercycle for commodities?

Learn from VanEck's industry expert Shawn Reynolds about:

  • Reasons why macro trends are driving commodity prices
  • Current demand-supply dynamics
  • Impacts of the green energy transition on metals and mining industries
  • Latest developments in energy mix projections

Why Attend?

  • Expert Insights
  • Understand Trends
  • Strategic Advice
  • Interactive Q&A

Register now to watch the recorded webinar.

Webinar details

June 27, 2024

03:00 PM UK Time

Duration 60 MIN


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