Main Risk Factors of a Multi-Asset ETF
While the diversification in a multi-asset strategy reduces risk, it is important to remember that all investments carry some risk. The Multi-Asset Funds by VanEck are subject to the four risks below:

The issuer or guarantor of a debt security may be unable and/or unwilling to make timely interest payments and/or repay the principal on its debt or to otherwise honour its obligations. Bonds are subject to varying degrees of credit risk which may be reflected in credit ratings. There is a possibility that the credit rating of a bond may be downgraded after purchase, which may adversely affect the value of the security.

The prices of the securities in the Fund are subject to the risks associated with investing in the securities market, including general economic conditions and sudden and unpredictable drops in value. An investment in the Fund may lose money.

Bond prices could rise or fall as the result of changes in the interest rates and the interest rate curve. Potential or actual downgrades in the credit rating can increase the assumed risk level.