Main Risk Factors of a Mining ETF

The securities of smaller companies may be more volatile and less liquid than the securities of large companies. Smaller companies, when compared with larger companies, may have a shorter history of operations, fewer financial resources, less competitive strength, may have a less diversified product line, may be more susceptible to market pressure and may have a smaller market for their securities.

Investments in natural resources and natural resources companies, which include companies engaged in alternatives (e.g., water and alternative energy), base and industrial metals, energy and precious metals, are very dependent on the demand for, and supply and price of, natural resources and can be significantly affected by events relating to these industries, including international political and economic developments, embargoes, tariffs, inflation, weather and natural disasters, limits on exploration, often changes in the supply and demand for natural resources and other factors.

Investments in emerging market countries are subject to specific risks and securities are generally less liquid and less efficient and securities markets may be less well regulated. Specific risks may be heightened by currency fluctuations and exchange control; imposition of restrictions on the repatriation of funds or other assets; governmental interference; higher inflation; social, economic and political uncertainties.