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Semiconductor UCITS ETF

30 novembre 2024
Risicoscore: 6

Informazioni sul fondo

Valuta di riferimento USD
Data di lancio 01 dicembre 2020
Domicilio Irlanda
Patrimonio netto $2460,9M
Azioni circolanti 60.550.000
Total Expense Ratio (TER) 0,35%
Struttura del prodotto Fisico (replica completa)
Conforme alla normativa UCITS
Frequenza di ribilanciamento Semestrale
Frequenza di distribuzione Nessuno
Destinazione del reddito Reinvestimento
Numero VALOR 57720860
Ammissibilità ISA
Con requisiti SIPP
Paesi di Registrazione AT, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, IE, IT, LU, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, UK

Informazioni sull'Indice

Index Provider MarketVector Indexes GmbH
Tipo di indice Rendimento totale netto
Valuta USD
Data di lancio 13 ago 2020
Frequenza di ribilanciamento Semestrale
Ticker Bloomberg MVSMCTR
Ticker Reuters --

Dati del fondo

Numero delle posizioni 25
Rapporto prezzo/utili* 38,51
Rapporto prezzo/valore contabile* 6,05
Capitalizzazione di mercato media ponderata USD 676,9B

* Ultimi 12 mesi

Dettaglio per paese

Stati Uniti 75,76%
Taiwan Region 10,79%
Paesi Bassi 10,27%
Bermuda 2,42%
Svizzera 0,73%
Altro/Liquidità 0,02%


VanEck Semiconductor UCITS ETF (SMH) è un ETF conforme alla direttiva UCITS che investe in un portafoglio di titoli azionari con l'obiettivo di offrire un ritorno sugli investimenti che replichi fedelmente la performance dell'Indice MVIS® US Listed Semiconductor 10% Capped ESG (MVSMCTR).

L'indice MVIS® US Listed Semiconductor 10% Capped ESG replica la performance complessiva delle società che operano nel settore della produzione di semiconduttori e nelle apparecchiature in questo ambito.

Andamento storico della performance: Rendimenti totali medi annui (%)

Fine del mese dati al 30 novembre 2024 1 mese* 3 mesi* YTD* 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni 10 anni DAL LANCIO
ETF -0,50 -3,88 21,75 35,16 11,86 -- -- 19,55
MVSMCTR (Index) -0,47 -3,82 22,04 35,52 12,10 30,44 24,51 19,81

Performance passate dati al 31 dicembre 2023

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
VanEck Semiconductor UCITS ETF 43,6 -34,8 73,2
Indice di riferimento (MVIS US Listed Semiconductor 10% Capped ESG Index) 43,9 -34,7 73,6

Le performance passate non possono prevedere i ritorni futuri. I dati sulla performance rappresentano i risultati passati. La performance corrente potrebbe essere inferiore o superiore ai ritorni medi annui esposti. I dati sulla performance sono esposti al net asset value, nella valuta di riferimento, con reddito netto reinvestito e al netto delle commissioni. Saranno applicate commissioni di intermediazione o di negoziazione. I ritorni possono aumentare o diminuire in base alle fluttuazioni valutarie. Gli investitori devono essere consapevoli che, a causa delle fluttuazioni del mercato e di altri fattori, la performance degli ETF può variare nel tempo e devono considerare una prospettiva di medio-lungo termine quando valutano la performance degli ETF. L'investimento è soggetto a rischi, tra cui la possibile perdita del capitale. Fonte: VanEck.

*I periodi che superano un anno sono annualizzati.

comunicazione di marketing


Semiconductor UCITS ETF

30 novembre 2024

Prime 10 posizioni

TOTALE 100,00%
Per un elenco completo e aggiornato delle posizioni del Fondo, visitare

Informazioni di negoziazione


Rischi principali

Rischio di liquidità: Il rischio di liquidità si verifica quando è difficile acquistare o vendere un determinato strumento finanziario. Se il relativo mercato risulta illiquido, potrebbe non essere possibile effettuare una transazione o liquidare una posizione a un prezzo vantaggioso o ragionevole, o addirittura concludere l'operazione.

Rischio del mercato azionario: I prezzi dei titoli detenuti dal Fondo sono soggetti ai rischi associati all'investimento nel mercato dei valori mobiliari, incluse le condizioni economiche generali e i cali di valore improvvisi e imprevedibili. Un investimento nel Fondo potrebbe comportare perdite economiche.

Rischio di concentrazione industriale o settoriale: Le attività del Fondo possono essere concentrate in uno o più settori o industrie specifici. Il Fondo potrebbe essere esposto al rischio che determinate condizioni economiche, politiche o di altro tipo, che incidono negativamente sulle industrie e sui settori interessati, penalizzino la sua performance in misura maggiore di quanto non accada quando gli attivi del Fondo sono investiti in una gamma più ampia di settori o industrie.

Per ulteriori informazioni sui rischi, consultare la sezione "Fattori di rischio" del prospetto informativo della Società, disponibile sul sito


Questa è una comunicazione di marketing. Si prega di consultare il prospetto dell'OICVM e il Documento contenente le informazioni chiave ("KID") prima di prendere qualsiasi decisione finale di investimento. Questi documenti sono disponibili in lingua inglese e i KID in lingue locali possono essere ottenuti gratuitamente sul sito, da VanEck Asset Management B.V. (la "Società di gestione") o, se applicabile, dall'agente incaricato per il Paese dell'utente.

Queste informazioni sono redatte da VanEck Switzerland AG, che è stata nominata distributore dei prodotti VanEck in Svizzera dalla Società di gestione VanEck Asset Management B.V., costituita ai sensi della legge olandese e registrata presso l' Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) dei Paesi Bassi.

Una copia dell'ultimo prospetto, dello Statuto, del Documento contenente le informazioni chiave, del bilancio annuale e del bilancio semestrale è disponibile sul nostro sito web oppure può essere richiesta gratuitamente al rappresentante in Svizzera: Zeidler Regulatory Services (Switzerland) AG, Neudtadtgasse 1a, 8400 Winterthur, Svizzera. Agente pagatore svizzero: Helvetische Bank AG, Seefeldstrasse 215, CH-8008 Zurigo.

Questo materiale è inteso solo come informazione generale e preliminare e non deve essere interpretato come consulenza di investimento, legale o fiscale. VanEck (Europe) GmbH e le sue società collegate e affiliate (insieme "VanEck") non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito a qualsiasi decisione di investimento, disinvestimento o mantenimento sulla base di queste informazioni. Le opinioni e i pareri espressi sono quelli degli autori, ma non corrispondono necessariamente a quelli di VanEck. Le opinioni sono aggiornate alla data di pubblicazione e soggette a modifiche in base alle condizioni del mercato. Le informazioni fornite da fonti terze sono ritenute affidabili e non sono state sottoposte a verifica indipendente per accertarne l'accuratezza o la completezza; pertanto non possono essere garantite.

VanEck Semiconductor UCITS ETF (l´"ETF") è un comparto di VanEck UCITS ETFs plc, una società d'investimento multicomparto a capitale variabile di tipo aperto con responsabilità limitata tra i comparti. L’ETF è registrato presso la Banca Centrale Irlandese ed è gestito passivamente. L’investimento nell’ETF deve essere interpretato come l’acquisizione di azioni dell’ETF e non delle attività sottostanti.

MVIS® US Listed Semiconductor 10% Capped ESG Index è proprietà esclusiva di MarketVector Indexes GmbH (una società controllata al 100% da VanEck Associates Corporation) che ha stipulato un accordo con Solactive AG per la gestione e il calcolo dell'indice. Solactive AG si adopera per garantire che l'Indice sia calcolato correttamente. Indipendentemente dai propri obblighi nei confronti di MarketVector Indexes GmbH, Solactive AG non è tenuta a far rilevare a terze parti eventuali errori dell'indice. VanEck Semiconductor UCITS ETF non è sponsorizzato, sostenuto venduto o promosso da MarketVector Indexes GmbH la quale non rilascia alcuna dichiarazione in merito all'opportunità o meno di investire nel Fondo. Non è possibile investire direttamente in un indice.

I dati sulla performance corrispondono ai rendimenti passati. La performance corrente potrebbe essere inferiore o superiore ai rendimenti medi annui esposti.

I dati sulla performance degli ETF con domicilio irlandese sono esposti al net asset value, nella valuta di riferimento, con reddito netto reinvestito e al netto delle commissioni. I rendimenti possono aumentare o diminuire a seguito di oscillazioni del cambio. Gli investitori devono essere consapevoli che, a causa delle fluttuazioni del mercato e di altri fattori, la performance degli ETF può variare nel tempo e dovrebbero considerare una prospettiva di medio/lungo termine quando valutano la performance degli ETF.

L'investimento è soggetto a rischi, compresa l’eventuale perdita del capitale. Gli investitori devono acquistare e vendere quote dell'UCITS sul mercato secondario attraverso un intermediario (ad esempio, un broker) e generalmente non possono essere vendute direttamente all'UCITS. Possono essere applicate commissioni di intermediazione. Il prezzo di acquisto può superare o il prezzo di vendita può essere inferiore al valore patrimoniale netto attuale. Il valore patrimoniale netto indicativo (iNAV) dell'OICVM è disponibile su Bloomberg. La Società di gestione può interrompere la commercializzazione dell'OICVM in una o più giurisdizioni. La sintesi dei diritti degli investitori è disponibile in inglese all'indirizzo: procedura-reclami.pdf ( Per qualsiasi termine tecnico poco familiare, consultare il Glossario ETF | VanEck.

Nessuna parte di questo materiale può essere riprodotta in alcuna forma né citata in un'altra pubblicazione senza l'esplicita autorizzazione scritta di VanEck.

© VanEck Switzerland AG

VanEck Vectors Gold Miners UCITS ETF (the Fund) is a sub-fund of VanEck Vectors UCITS ETFs plc. (the Umbrella Fund), organised under the laws of Ireland. This document is for illustrative purposes to Investors and their investment consultants and does not constitute legal, tax or investment advice. You must therefore not rely on the content of this document when making any investment decisions. Any investment decision should be made on the basis of an understanding of the prospectus and the key investor information document (“KIID”), which is available at and VanEck Investments Limited at its registered office at 25-28 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Please read these documents before investing and take note of the risk factors. Note: no guarantee can be provided that the Fund will attain its objective. The value of an investment may decline as well as increase. Nothing contained herein constitutes investment, tax or legal advice. All persons interested in investing in the Fund are recommended to seek advice from independent legal and tax advisors in order to ascertain whether the investment is appropriate to their own objectives.

Please note that the information herein may change at any time; current data may differ from data quoted. It is not intended to be a forecast of future results, a comprehensive statement of all of the factors or considerations which may be relevant to an investment. Current market conditions may not continue. Non-VanEck proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of VanEck. ©2016 VanEck.

You can lose money by investing in the Fund. Any investment in the Fund should be part of an overall investment program, not a complete program. An investment in the Fund may be subject to product specific risks. These may negatively impact the Fund’s return. All risks are described in detail in the Prospectus and KIID.

The IOPV is calculated by Solactive AG.

No invitation to offer, or offer for, or sale of, the shares of any fund mentioned herein will be made to the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) (which, for such purposes, does not include the Hong Kong or Macau Special Administrative Regions or Taiwan) or by any means that would be deemed public under the Laws of the PRC. The information relating to any fund mentioned herein has not been submitted to or approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant governmental authorities in the PRC. Such funds may only be offered or sold to investors in the PRC that are expressly authorized under the laws and regulations of the PRC to buy and sell securities denominated in foreign exchange. Potential investors resident in the PRC are responsible for obtaining all relevant approvals from the government authorities of the PRC, including but not limited to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, before purchasing the shares. This document further does not constitute any securities or investment advice to citizens of the PRC, or nationals with permanent residence in the PRC, or to any corporation, partnership, or other entity incorporated or established in the PRC.

This material does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Fund. An offer or solicitation will be made only through a Fund’s prospectus or summary prospectus and will be subject to the terms and conditions contained therein. This material and the information provided herein are not directed at or intended for distribution to any person (or entity) who is a citizen or resident of (or located or established in) any jurisdiction where the distribution of these materials and/or the purchase or sale of interests of a Fund would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or would subject a Fund to any registration or licensing requirement in such jurisdiction. Persons who wish to review this material are required to inform themselves about and to observe any legal or regulatory restrictions which may affect their eligibility to make an investment in a Fund.

Fund shares are not individually redeemable and will be issued and redeemed at their net asset value (NAV) only through certain authorized broker-dealers in large, specified blocks of shares called “creation units” and otherwise can be bought and sold only through exchange trading. Creation units are issued and redeemed principally in kind. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. You will incur brokerage expenses when trading fund shares in the secondary market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns for an actual fund’s investments may differ from what is shown because of differences in timing, the amount invested and fees and expenses.

VanEck Vectors Gold Miners UCITS ETF (the Fund) is a sub-fund of VanEck Vectors UCITS ETFs plc. (the Umbrella Fund), organised under the laws of Ireland. This document is for illustrative purposes to Investors and their investment consultants and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice. You must therefore not rely on the content of this document when making any investment decisions. Any investment decision should be made on the basis of an understanding of the prospectus and the key investor information document (“KIID”), which is available at and VanEck Investments Limited at its registered office at 25-28 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Please read these documents before investing and take note of the risk factors. Note: no guarantee can be provided that the Fund will attain its objective. The value of an investment may decline as well as increase. Nothing contained herein constitutes investment, tax or legal advice. All persons interested in investing in the Fund are recommended to seek advice from independent legal and tax advisors in order to ascertain whether the investment is appropriate to their own objectives.

The contents of this material have not been reviewed nor endorsed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. Hong Kong residents are advised to exercise caution in relation to this offer. An investment in any fund mentioned herein may not be suitable for everyone. If you are in any doubt about the contents of this material, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other financial adviser for independent professional advice. Such funds are not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) in Hong Kong pursuant to Section 104 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571, Laws of Hong Kong) (“SFO”). This material has not been approved by the SFC in Hong Kong, nor has a copy of it been registered with the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong and, must not, therefore, be issued, or possessed for the purpose of issue, to persons in Hong Kong other than (1) professional investors within the meaning of the SFO (including professional investors as defined by the Securities and Futures (Professional Investors) Rules); or (2) in circumstances which do not constitute an offer to the public for the purposes of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32, Laws of Hong Kong) or the SFO. This material is distributed on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced in any form or transmitted to any person other than the person to whom it is addressed. No interest/rights/shares in any fund mentioned herein will be issued to any person other than the person to whom this material has been addressed and no person other than such addressee may treat the same as constituting an invitation for him to invest.

Please note that the information herein may change at any time; current data may differ from data quoted. It is not intended to be a forecast of future results, a comprehensive statement of all of the factors or considerations which may be relevant to an investment. Current market conditions may not continue. Non-VanEck proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of VanEck. ©2016 VanEck.

You can lose money by investing in the Fund. Any investment in the Fund should be part of an overall investment program, not a complete program. An investment in the Fund may be subject to product specific risks. These may negatively impact the Fund’s return. All risks are described in detail in the Prospectus and KIID.

The IOPV is calculated by Solactive AG.

This material does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Fund. An offer or solicitation will be made only through a Fund’s prospectus or summary prospectus and will be subject to the terms and conditions contained therein. This material and the information provided herein are not directed at or intended for distribution to any person (or entity) who is a citizen or resident of (or located or established in) any jurisdiction where the distribution of these materials and/or the purchase or sale of interests of a Fund would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or would subject a Fund to any registration or licensing requirement in such jurisdiction. Persons who wish to review this material are required to inform themselves about and to observe any legal or regulatory restrictions which may affect their eligibility to make an investment in a Fund.

Fund shares are not individually redeemable and will be issued and redeemed at their net asset value (NAV) only through certain authorized broker-dealers in large, specified blocks of shares called “creation units” and otherwise can be bought and sold only through exchange trading. Creation units are issued and redeemed principally in kind. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. You will incur brokerage expenses when trading fund shares in the secondary market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns for an actual fund’s investments may differ from what is shown because of differences in timing, the amount invested and fees and expenses.

VanEck Vectors Gold Miners UCITS ETF (the Fund) is a sub-fund of VanEck Vectors UCITS ETFs plc. (the Umbrella Fund), organised under the laws of Ireland. This document is for illustrative purposes to Investors and their investment consultants and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice. You must therefore not rely on the content of this document when making any investment decisions. Any investment decision should be made on the basis of an understanding of the prospectus and the key investor information document (“KIID”), which is available at and VanEck Investments Limited at its registered office at 25-28 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Please read these documents before investing and take note of the risk factors. Note: no guarantee can be provided that the Fund will attain its objective. The value of an investment may decline as well as increase. Nothing contained herein constitutes investment, tax or legal advice. All persons interested in investing in the Fund are recommended to seek advice from independent legal and tax advisors in order to ascertain whether the investment is appropriate to their own objective.

Please note that the information herein may change at any time; current data may differ from data quoted. It is not intended to be a forecast of future results, a comprehensive statement of all of the factors or considerations which may be relevant to an investment. Current market conditions may not continue. Non-VanEck proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of VanEck. ©2016 VanEck.

You can lose money by investing in the Fund. Any investment in the Fund should be part of an overall investment program, not a complete program. An investment in the Fund may be subject to product specific risks. These may negatively impact the Fund’s return. All risks are described in detail in the Prospectus and KIID.

The IOPV is calculated by Solactive AG.

This material does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Fund. An offer or solicitation will be made only through a Fund’s prospectus or summary prospectus and will subject to the terms and conditions contained therein. This material and the information provided herein are not related to a collective investment scheme which is authorised under section 286 of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore (the “SFA”) or recognised under section 287 of the SFA. The Funds mentioned herein are not authorised or recognised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (the “MAS”) and Shares/Units/Interests are not allowed to be offered to the retail public. This material is not a prospectus as defined in the SFA. Accordingly, statutory liability under the SFA in relation to the content of prospectuses would not apply. You should consider carefully whether the investment is suitable for you.

This material has not been registered as a prospectus with the MAS. Accordingly, this material and any other document or material in connection with it, may not be circulated or distributed, nor may Shares/Units/Interests be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to persons in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor under Section 304 of the SFA, (ii) to a relevant person pursuant to Section 305(1), or any person pursuant to Section 305(2), and in accordance with the conditions specified in Section 305 of the SFA, or (iii) otherwise pursuant to, and in accordance with the conditions of, any other applicable provision of the SFA. Professional advice shall be sought in cases of doubt.

This material does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Fund. An offer or solicitation will be made only through a Fund’s prospectus or summary prospectus and will be subject to the terms and conditions contained therein. This material and the information provided herein are not directed at or intended for distribution to any person (or entity) who is a citizen or resident of (or located or established in) any jurisdiction where the distribution of these materials and/or the purchase or sale of interests of a Fund would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or would subject a Fund to any registration or licensing requirement in such jurisdiction. Persons who wish to review this material are required to inform themselves about and to observe any legal or regulatory restrictions which may affect their eligibility to make an investment in a Fund.

Fund shares are not individually redeemable and will be issued and redeemed at their net asset value (NAV) only through certain authorized broker-dealers in large, specified blocks of shares called “creation units” and otherwise can be bought and sold only through exchange trading. Creation units are issued and redeemed principally in kind. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. You will incur brokerage expenses when trading fund shares in the secondary market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns for an actual fund’s investments may differ from what is shown because of differences in timing, the amount invested and fees and expenses.

VanEck Vectors Gold Miners UCITS ETF (the Fund) is a sub-fund of VanEck Vectors UCITS ETFs plc. (the Umbrella Fund), organised under the laws of Ireland. This document is for illustrative purposes to Investors and their investment consultants and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice. You must therefore not rely on the content of this document when making any investment decisions. Any investment decision should be made on the basis of an understanding of the prospectus and the key investor information document (“KIID”), which is available at and VanEck Investments Limited at its registered office at 25-28 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Please read these documents before investing and take note of the risk factors. Note: no guarantee can be provided that the Fund will attain its objective. The value of an investment may decline as well as increase. Nothing contained herein constitutes investment, tax or legal advice. All persons interested in investing in the Fund are recommended to seek advice from independent legal and tax advisors in order to ascertain whether the investment is appropriate to their own objectives.

Please note that the information herein may change at any time; current data may differ from data quoted. It is not intended to be a forecast of future results, a comprehensive statement of all of the factors or considerations which may be relevant to an investment. Current market conditions may not continue. Non-VanEck proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of VanEck. ©2016 VanEck.

You can lose money by investing in the Fund. Any investment in the Fund should be part of an overall investment program, not a complete program. An investment in the Fund may be subject to product specific risks. These may negatively impact the Fund’s return. All risks are described in detail in the Prospectus and KIID.

The IOPV is calculated by Solactive AG.

Shares of any fund mentioned herein are being made available in the Republic of China (“R.O.C.”) on a private placement basis only to banks, bills houses, trust enterprises, insurance companies, securities firms, financial holding companies and other qualified entities or institutions (collectively, “Qualified Institutions”) and other entities and individuals meeting specific criteria (“Other Qualified Investors”) pursuant to the private placement provisions of the R.O.C. Rules Governing Offshore Funds. No other offer or sale of the shares in the R.O.C. is permitted. R.O.C. purchasers of the shares may not sell or otherwise dispose of their holdings except by redemption, transfer to a Qualified Institution or Other Qualified Investor, transfer by operation of law or other means approved by the R.O.C. Financial Supervisory Commission.

This material does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Fund. An offer or solicitation will be made only through a Fund’s prospectus or summary prospectus and will be subject to the terms and conditions contained therein. This material and the information provided herein are not directed at or intended for distribution to any person (or entity) who is a citizen or resident of (or located or established in) any jurisdiction where the distribution of these materials and/or the purchase or sale of interests of a Fund would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or would subject a Fund to any registration or licensing requirement in such jurisdiction. Persons who wish to review this material are required to inform themselves about and to observe any legal or regulatory restrictions which may affect their eligibility to make an investment in a Fund.

Fund shares are not individually redeemable and will be issued and redeemed at their net asset value (NAV) only through certain authorized broker-dealers in large, specified blocks of shares called “creation units” and otherwise can be bought and sold only through exchange trading. Creation units are issued and redeemed principally in kind. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. You will incur brokerage expenses when trading fund shares in the secondary market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns for an actual fund’s investments may differ from what is shown because of differences in timing, the amount invested and fees and expenses.