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Bitcoin Series 1: Getting to Know Bitcoin with Pierre Rochard

08 febbraio 2021


In this episode I speak with Pierre Rochard, Bitcoin Strategist at Kraken about the basics of bitcoin and what investors should know in order to understand the digital currency.

Cash or Credit?

In addition to bitcoin making its way into many of our living rooms through breaking news headlines, it has been a major focus for us here at VanEck for quite some time. Understanding the world of bitcoin can be intimidating, largely in part to it having its own language. Our CEO, Jan van Eck recognized this missing link and the need for investors to have jargon-free educational content around bitcoin.

Along those lines, we decided to extend that effort by producing a special podcast series dedicated to bitcoin education. This week, the first in this series, I welcome Pierre Rochard, Bitcoin Strategist at Kraken, one of the oldest and largest bitcoin exchanges, to help me break through some of the complicated jargon that surrounds bitcoin and explain things in layman’s terms. I begin the episode by asking the simple question that I think many still have a hard time answering simply: What is bitcoin?  

Looking beyond the fixed 21 million bitcoin that populate the universe, Pierre also pops bitcoin’s hood and explains the three key characteristics investors should be aware of. As we dig in a bit deeper, Pierre explains mining and the important dynamic that takes place between nodes and the miners, bitcoin authenticity and value. Tune into the podcast to learn why freedom, decentralization and social consensus are the grounding principles of the cryptocurrency.  

Trend or Fad

Listen for Pierre’s take on day trading, central bank digital currencies and Austin, Texas.

Informazioni importanti

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