Our Environmentally Conscious ESG ETFs
VanEck offers four regional ETFs that incorporate ESG-based measures into their selection:

- Gain exposure to China’s New Economy
- Emerging middle class and the new digital generation to drive consumption
- ESG filter based on OWL ESG scores
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Equally-weighted, diversified global portfolio
- ESG screening by ISS ESG excludes companies in violation of UNGC principles and producers of controversial weapons
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Equally weighted, diversified exposure to European companies
- ESG Screened portfolio constructed in line with the UN Global Compact Principles
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Tracks the performance of the portfolio of relatively, attractively-priced US equities
- Companies with long-term competitive advantages according to Morningstar
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Gain exposure to China’s New Economy
- Emerging middle class and the new digital generation to drive consumption
- ESG filter based on OWL ESG scores
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Equally-weighted, diversified global portfolio
- ESG screening by ISS ESG excludes companies in violation of UNGC principles and producers of controversial weapons
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Equally weighted, diversified exposure to European companies
- ESG Screened portfolio constructed in line with the UN Global Compact Principles
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Tracks the performance of the portfolio of relatively, attractively-priced US equities
- Companies with long-term competitive advantages according to Morningstar
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Gain exposure to China’s New Economy
- Emerging middle class and the new digital generation to drive consumption
- ESG filter based on OWL ESG scores
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Equally-weighted, diversified global portfolio
- ESG screening by ISS ESG excludes companies in violation of UNGC principles and producers of controversial weapons
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward

- Equally weighted, diversified exposure to European companies
- ESG Screened portfolio constructed in line with the UN Global Compact Principles
Lower risk
Higher risk
Typically lower reward
Typically higher reward
Risk of an ESG ETF: You may lose money up to the total loss of your investment due to the risk factors related to the investing in the ETFs, such as Emerging Markets Risk, Risk of investing in smaller companies, Equity Market Risk, and or Industry Concentration Risk as described in the Main Risk Factors, KID (MOAT/CNEW/TEET/TSWE) and Prospectus (MOAT/CNEW/TEET/TSWE).